Vote for Xi Quadrant FTB Infinity

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Votes 0
Laatste stem Nog geen enkele stem.
Uptime 29 %

Survival Legaal Versie 1.7.10


#No banned items#
#Friendly Community#
#Easy abuse report system#
#Lag free#
#Teamspeak server#

Xi Quadrant is a friendly new gaming community. We strive to bring the best overall playing experience for our users.
By including plugins like grief prevention and core protect we are able to bring a grief free world to all players. We also follow the motto "Ban the player not the item." By this we mean that if there is an item that can be used for griefing it will not be banned. This way we have no banned items. If a player decides to use that item for evil they will be warned/banned depending on severity and times done.

New features and updates will be brought to the server in future as they are brought out and tested. This way we can keep ahead of the curve when bringing you the best experience possible.

If you want a fun place to play with no worry of being bullied, griefed or blown up (without consent) then Xi Quadrant is the place for you.

Een website met gemaakt voor online servers zoals Minecraft!
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